Enterprise Agility

As an organization’s leader, what are you trying to achieve? Speed to market? Innovation? Predictability?

The term ‘agile’ was first used in the software development context more than twenty years ago. Now it is referred to as a mindset. To put simpy, agile mindset refers to delivering value to the customer/client early and frequently. Value can be anything that customers may be willing to pay money for, it could be saving their time, saving them money, making them money, or simply entertainment. The key here is that you deliver said value in increments. A small improvement this week, a performance improvement the next, a new feature in the following.

The reasons for doing this are many-fold.

Previously, software was released using the same principles of project management. There is a committment of a lot of money and time (sometimes years) to a big-scoped product/big-bang feature/project where only at the end of the project customers could only see it and use it, and only then you could make start generating revenue (if customers actually found it useful).

When you start delivering in an agile way, you start with a Minimal Valuable Product (MVP), small features, improvements, early and frequently, you can start validating those early with the customers and getting precious feedback that will help you decide to adapt if continuing working on those, pivot, and drop it altogether decreasing the risk (by failing fast, you can save the otherwise committed time and money and use it elsewhere). You can also start already delivering value and generating revenue from those early deliveries (speed to market).

All this can be visualized in the graphs below:

How does that apply to the organization?

Enterprise agility is applying the same mindset for product development into the entire organization.

Services I provide:

  • Assessment of current mindset, culture, leadership, processes, organizational readiness
  • Analisys of psychological safety and growth mindset
  • Workshops on leadership, vision, agility
  • Leadership coaching
  • Teams coaching
  • Workshops in delivery frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, and other important software delivery topics such as estimation, user stories, and several other software develpment tools and practices for teams